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Slack it to me!

By April Myers May 9, 2023

Messaging app streamlines Colorado ROC’s communications among Members

DURANGO, Colo. – Animas View MHP Cooperative in Durango, Colo., has found an innovative way to connect its community. Lindie Hunt, Board Treasurer at Animas View, said the community began using it Slack as a new communication tool in January 2021 and most of the residents are subscribed.

Slack is a messaging application that allows users to send messages to a range of people within an organization, from individuals to small groups to everyone. Users can create separate channels, for example committees, special interest groups, or individual streets. Anyone can use the free version of Slack. There are some limitations but the free version has been effective and popular at Animas View, Hunt said.

“It’s working pretty well,” Hunt said. “The majority of people are subscribed. And we have a small handful of people who are active on it.”

Lindie Hunt, Board Treasurer at Animas View, uses Slack on her computer to message other community Members in a variety of ways.

Members of the 122-home Animas View have customized Slack channels to make the most of the app. For example, there is a general channel for information everyone can see, one specifically for Board Members, and one that’s used as a “Marketplace,” where residents can buy and sell different items. There is also a channel for Frequently Asked Questions and one to circulate the newsletter.

Hunt’s husband, Dan, is Member of the Animas View Finance Committee and played an integral role in the implementation of Slack. Hunt said Dan used it for another organization he worked with and thought it worked well. Animas View Board President Kevin Miller was also excited to use Slack in the community.

“It’s a fairly effective communication tool,” Hunt said. “We still email residents and hand deliver (letters) if it’s important information and we continue to post information at the mail kiosk, too. But we’re almost to the point where we can eliminate some of those things.”

Animas View also has community-wide Wi-Fi, established by the previous owner, the fee for which was already included in the lot rent. Hunt said Wi-Fi has allowed the community to easily implement new technology.

“This is something that is valuable for the Members who are willing to try it,” Hunt said. “We are really blessed here to have people with a combination of skills and knowledge to try new communication tools.”

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