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ROC Association Election process under way

By Mike Bullard April 21, 2016

The ROC Association Directors have announced that the election process for the Director in the Mountain/West region has begun.

The three Directors — one is elected from each geographical region — also serve as Directors on the ROC USA Board. They attend three Board meetings every year in Washington, D.C., and have an important role in bringing the ROC Member perspective to the ROC USA Board.

“That means they serve as three of my 13 bosses,” said Paul Bradley, President of ROC USA, when the first ROC Association Directors were elected. “Long after I am gone, I am now assured of one thing: ROC USA will always have ROC leaders themselves at the helm of the organization, helping pick presidents and set priorities.”

Liz Wood, whose position in the Mountain/West region is up this year and who stands right-most in the photo below, said not only is the role of Association Director vitally important, but that “the journey has been well worth the ride.”

“I’ve had the chance to learn a lot and see up close how ROC USA works,” said Wood, president of Duvall Riverside Village Cooperative in Duvall, Wash. “I’ve been there as the Board has made some big decisions and been able to contribute what I think is an important perspective — that of someone living in one of the communities ROC USA is serving.

“Plus, these guys are more than hard workers, they’ve made it enjoyable. A couple of us spent a whole day on the road in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine a few weeks ago visiting ROCs and reconnecting with CLI grads. It was a long haul, but we laughed most of the way.”

The ROC Association is made up of the currently 187 Resident Owned Communities that are or once were under contract with a Certified Technical Assistance Provider trained and certified by ROC USA® Network. Learn more about the Association and the election — including how to run for a Director position — by clicking on the ROC Association tab on the left side of the screen or clicking here.

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