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ROC leader publishes op-ed piece on life in a ROC

By Mike Bullard October 9, 2015

Dawn Willett-Mitchell, a committee member and former Board member at Brunswick Bay Cooperative, was feeling moved by her experiences in her Brunswick, Maine, ROC and put pen to paper to spread the word.

OK, in truth she probably put fingertips to keyboard, but that just doesn’t sound as poetic.

Willett-Mitchell wrote a poignant guest column on the op-ed page of the Brunswick Times Record, her local newspaper. As she points out in her column, October is National Co-op Month, and Willett-Mitchell was feeling grateful for finding  a co-op that welcomed her, got her engaged in a community, and has proven an comfortable, affordable, safe place to live and raise her family.

She is the second ROC leader in recent months to have an opinion piece appear in printac. Liz Wood, a ROC Association Director and President of Duvall Riverside Village in Duvall, Wash., had a letter published in The Seattle Times in June. She wrote in response to an article about a mobile home park closure in nearby Kirkland.

Be sure to check out Dawn’s column and share freely on social media.

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