About the film
A Decent Home is a feature-length documentary directed by Sara Terry that tells a story of class and economic inequity through the lives of mobile home park residents who can’t afford housing anywhere else. The film also uncovers the drive of private equity firms and wealthy investors to buy up parks in order to make sky-high returns on their investments while squeezing every last penny out of the mobile home owners who lack rights and protections under local and state laws. If a mobile home park is not owned as a cooperative, park residents must pay rent for the land in which their mobile home sits.
How can it help?
Are you a manufactured home community resident looking to organize your community, raise awareness with local officials, or fundraise for a park-related cause? A Decent Home is available for you to screen at no cost.
While the film cannot be used for lobbying, residents can host educational screenings for legislators or policymakers to help them understand the challenges faced by your community.
The award-winning storytelling and powerful imagery of the film can demonstrate the risks to homeowners who don’t own the land beneath their communities.

Learn how to get started
The team behind A Decent Home has produced an Organizer’s Handbook. This detailed tool lays out strategies to plan, execute, and maximize the value of a screening from the idea stage all the way through an engaging post-screening discussion.
When you’re ready to go, reach out to the film team at
impact@adecenthomefilm.com to organize a community screening
of the feature documentary.
You can make a meaningful difference in a ROC by supporting Better Together Grants through ROC USA.
Your generosity fuels the momentum for ROCs, funding an individual community project and helping that neighborhood thrive. Together, we can create lasting impact and brighter futures.