On April 26 the residents of Town & Country Estates in Kingston, Ma. became the 200th ROC. I was privileged to celebrate with them and can tell you that the enthusiasm was an 11 on a 10-point scale.
When it came to decide whether to purchase or not, there was 100% agreement, save one vote. What enthusiasm, what togetherness, what a wonderful way to start on this journey of community ownership.
Pride in ownership was evident in all the homes and the common areas, so I am sure that this will translate into pride in community.
Congratulations to the residents and to the first elected board. I wish you well. Thank you for allowing me to join with you in celebrating this special occasion for all of you. Welcome to the ROC family.
The message for them and all new ROCs is, while the excitement is high: Capture that to get as many committees of volunteers as possible using every person who wants to be involved. Inclusion is the key and that means every member of the community possible. Everyone has something to offer, so make them feel good about the community they are a member of.
Best wishes to Town and Country and to all those communities who have embarked on the journey. Keep Calm and ROC On.
Kim Capen
ROC Association, New England Region, Director