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Bank of America Grant helps make CLI free to ROC leaders

By Paul Bradley June 15, 2016

The Bank of America Charitable Foundation has provided a $25,000 grant in support of ROC USA’s national Community Leadership Institute in October. The CLI is an extraordinary opportunity for community leaders of ROCs that have had a Technical Assistance relationship with a ROC USA Network affiliate.

Thanks to generous support from Bank of America, ROC USA is able to offer this excellent national leadership program to ROC leaders. These volunteer community leaders give so much of themselves already, we are glad we’re in a position to support their development as volunteer leaders without any out-of-pocket expense on their part – their time and dedication is cost-sharing enough!

Bank of America lends, invests and gives in local communities like resident-owned communities (ROCs) in order to advance local economies and create positive change. Support like this is just one of the many ways the Bank is helping improve the quality of life in the communities they serve.

CLI is a place where volunteer community leaders come to learn and pick up new tools to add to their toolboxes. We believe that we succeed when our communities succeed. And, frankly, I have witnessed over the last 25-plus years that communities that succeed do so through good teamwork and good community leadership. ROCs that have both good teamwork and good leadership accomplish great things.

Applications to this year’s CLI are due tonight at midnight, so there are still a few hours left to apply. Learn more and apply by clicking here.

Photo: Tiffany Law, Assistant Vice President at Bank of America presents the ROC USA team with a supersized check.

Paul Bradley began working with homeowners in manufactured home communities in 1988 as a co-op organizer, launching ROC USA in 2008 to scale the enduring community-based structural solution through a Network of affiliated nonprofits and a national team. ROC USA and its affiliates expanded resident ownership to 338 communities encompassing 23,000 homesites in 21 states during his 16-year tenure. In 2023, Paul founded Integrity Community Solutions, Inc., a ROC USA subsidiary that aims to accelerate the growth of resident ownership.

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