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Digging into the plans made at CLI

By Kim Capen November 7, 2016

Greetings 2016 CLI grads, can you believe it’s been two weeks? Yes, two weeks ago last night we got a good night’s sleep in our own beds after four days in Columbus.

If you’re like me, you came back expecting to light the world on fire, but everything that was pending when you got home came to the forefront. If you hit the pavement and got started right away, I am jealous, and good for you. If not, then this is a good time to look back on all the notes we took, take care of the promises we made, like staying in touch, and send some info (I just sent out the two newsletters that were promised, so if you’re waiting, they are coming), or start laying the ground work for getting some of those great plans for improving our communities in motion.

Dig out the recycled brown notebook and recycle some of the notes you took and some of the material you gathered. Recycle those ideas you thought were worthy of implementing in your community. Some great information was passed along to us; we need to pass it along as well for this trip to have been meaningful.

As I am going through my notes and handouts, I look back over these past two weeks and can now see where this information is appropriate for my own behavior in being a leader in my community. It’s time to take the lead in some areas, it’s time to step back in others and lead only by example. Great stuff.

One thing is for sure. Whatever your issue, someone else has had to tackle it and has had some success in doing so. Not every situation is exactly the same, but great ideas are adaptable. Never say “that will never work here.” I suggest you ask yourself, “In what way can this be adapted to work here?” Generally you’ll find the answer hidden in your experiences and your spirit of adventure.

There are three ROC Association directors who are out there to help. Reach out. Remember, you are a ROC of many ROCs and know you’re not alone with unique problems. Reach out! You can take all that has been taught to you at CLI to improve communication, improve relationships, incentivize volunteerism and create a success story for your community that you can share. Soooooo! If you haven’t as yet, dig out that material, look over that self- assessment and start your plan. The Association directors are here to help, so reach out to us as well. I don’t have all the answers, but I do have two good ears and have 10 years of living in a ROC. We don’t have all the answers, but we have experiences to pass along that usually have a hint of the solution that just might work for your circumstances.

Thanks to all of you for sharing, and if you are reading this and did not go to CLI, think about signing up for next year. The experience of meeting like-minded leaders outside of your community is priceless and a great motivator.

Wishing you all success,

Kim Capen

New England Region Association Director

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