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First ROC USA Board meeting a time to reflect

By Kim Capen December 17, 2015

Grateful — these were my emotions after my first Board meeting representing ROC Association at the ROC USA Board of Directors meeting earlier this month. There are some very talented, passionate, resourceful and dedicated professionals working to protect the investments of those of us who have been given this opportunity to own our communities and for many thousands more like us who need that same helping hand.

I am grateful and honored to be working with wise, dedicated and talented professional like Liz and Natividad representing all of you and your needs in the different regions of our country. We are listening so feel free to be vocal about how we might help.

Many resident-owned community (ROC) leaders before me have helped to create a vision, the Strategic Plan that will provide the needed tools to help us manage our investments and to bring even greater opportunities for us brought about by increasing the number of like-minded cooperatives. If you have not read through the strategic plan, I urge you to do that and to be sure that your Board of Directors each has a copy.

This collaborative effort of your peers is ambitious as well as being strategically important to all of us as a community of ROCs. We continue to focus on the fact that we are greater than just our own community, we are better working together for the same purpose, to improve the value of our investments. Building a stronger community of ROCs will create even greater opportunities for us as communities and individuals. We already see this in the purchasing power of being a part of this 10,000 member family. Isn’t it great to know we are not alone? We truly will be better when we are working together for the same purpose of protecting and improving the value of our investments.

Happy Holidays to all of you!

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