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Great to be there as newest ROC takes its first steps

By Kim Capen January 14, 2016

Congratulations Freedom Village in Concord, NH. Your Journey begins.

I had the pleasure of spending some time with the residents of Freedom Village Cooperative as they came to sign their occupancy agreements during two sessions set up by ROC-NH Organizational Development Specialist Jeanee Wright. Jeanee invited Mike Bullard and me to attend and to speak to the residents of the newest cooperative addition to ROC-NH about ROC USA and ROC Association. Our mission was to spend some time explaining a little about the two organizations and about the internet-based Community Center, myROCUSA.

It was a great time as we spent some time talking about ROC Mall and the savings available for those who want to take advantage of them. While there, we were set up to get members signed into the site on the spot and raffled off a couple gift certificates to those members who took advantage by signing up.

Thank you Jeanee for giving us this opportunity to help. It was great meeting with folks, to witness the excitement and enthusiasm as they begin this journey and to offer encouragement where there may be some concern. Listening to members talk about how this journey already has given them a greater sense of community than ever existed before was great to here.

Thank You Freedom Village, I enjoyed sharing in your joy.

Kim Capen

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