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Hello from Halifax

By Deborah Winiewicz, ROC Association New England Director July 6, 2022

Hello ROC Members! It’s been a few months since I was elected the ROC Association Director for the New England Region. I’ve been learning a lot and settling into the role, and I thought I should take a moment to say hello.

My name is Deborah Winiewicz. I retired five years ago after a 20-year career as a 911 Dispatcher and Union President. Eighteen years ago, my husband Michael and I decided to downsize, which led us to Halifax Estates. At that time, our community was a family-owned business. During those times, I began a beautification committee and co-founded our Helping Hands committee to help residents in need.

In October 2017, Halifax Estates became resident-owned. I was the chair of the rules/bylaw committee and a board member during the purchase. Now, I’m the current president of the Halifax Estate Board of Directors.

I enjoy many hobbies, but my favorites are gardening and reading. Check out some photos of my garden below!

I can’t wait to share more about what the ROC Association is working on in coming months. Last month, I traveled to Washington DC for my first ROC USA Board meeting and to have some ROC Association planning meetings with my fellow Directors, Marjory Gilsrud and John Egan. We have a lot of great ideas!  

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