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Look for CLI coverage coming soon to a screen near you

October 19, 2016

It’s a busy day here in New Hampshire. We’re gearing up for Community Leadership Institute, which starts tomorrow in Columbus, Ohio.

A perennial favorite of ROC leaders and ROC USA staff, 2016 promises to be a CLI like no other. We’re doubling the number of ROC leaders who will be joining us: 50 leaders from 23 ROCs in 8 states. At our first CLI in Milwaukee in 2009, we had only six ROC leaders and this year we have more states represented than that.

We’re also looking to expand our coverage of this awesome experience. I’ve asked our communications manager, Mike Bullard (, to pump out updates on social media and right here on

We’re also asking the 50 ROC leaders in attendance to offer up their thoughts and experiences from Columbus. In addition to spreading the word about CLI, it’s a terrific way for them to share with loved ones and neighbors back home.

Look for dispatches from CLI under ROC News, and on Facebook and Twitter . You can follow ROC USA by clicking on these links:



Finally, if you like what you see and want to be reminded when applications go out for the 2017 CLI, just let Deb Wyman ( know with a quick note.

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