Developed in the late 1960s and early ’70s, Royal Crest Residents Association is a 55-and-older community of 154 homes that residents purchased in July 2022. Located in West Wareham, Mass., the average age of the residents is mid-70s. The community was awarded $1,400 to build a ramp at the front door of the community office to aid all Members of the community and bring it up to Americans with Disabilities Act compliance. This ramp provides residents and guests access to the community office.
The Better Together Grants are funded by ROC USA and awarded by the ROC Association Directors each year. Grants of up to $2,000 are typically available. Any ROC with a current or past Technical Assistance Contract with a ROC USA Certified TA Provider is eligible to apply. Awardees of the previous year’s Grants are not eligible to apply. The Better Together Grants program opens once per year. This year, the application period opens April 5, with applications due May 5. For more information, visit https://rocusa.org/grants/.
Learn more about Better Together Grants