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Voting opens in ROC Association Director election

CONCORD, N.H. – The ROC Association Director election in the Mountain/West region is under way, with two Community Leadership Institute alumnae are vying for the open position.

Lorie Cahill of Green Acres Cooperative in Kalispell, Mont., and Priscilla “Sam” Morris of Saunders Creek Cooperative in Gold Beach, Ore., are looking to become not just Directors of ROC Association, but also ROC USA.

“My husband, Marty, and I have met many people and formed many great friendships not only in our community but throughout various ROCs across Montana and the country,” Cahill said. “I have wanted to pursue becoming a part of the ROC USA Board since that became a possibility with the ROC Association. I hope you will give me that opportunity by voting me to be the next Mountain/West representative.”

Morris said there has been a lot of good work done already, but there’s still more to do.

“I work hard to keep up on the creation of more sustainable and affordable housing not only for our area but all of this great country,” she said. “I have attended a few conferences directed at how to bring about, create and sustain affordable housing in our country and I know how extremely important this will be to accomplish and I know it can be done.”

The ROC Association is a national association made up of resident-owned communities (ROCs) that are or once were under contract with a ROC USA® Network nonprofit affiliate. In the Mountain/West region, those organizations include CASA of Oregon, UROC, NeighborWorks® Montana and Northwest Co-op Development Center (aka ROC Northwest).

The Association’s three Directors serve on the ROC USA Board of Directors and help guide the development of services for ROCs nationwide.

“We feel strongly that to serve communities well, we need to engage ROC leaders at every level of the organization, including its highest, the Board of Directors,” said ROC USA President Paul Bradley.

This Mountain/West Region election will decide one Director.  There are three regions and three Directors who each serve a two-year term.

The current three ROC Association Directors made considerable contributions to ROC USA’s strategic plan. That plan, which is being implemented now, is available on this site in the Strategic Plan section.

In addition, ROC Association Directors also decide awardees of the Better Together ROC grants. They just awarded five to ROCs in Maine, Washington and New Hampshire.  Read more about that under “ROC Grants” and start thinking about next year’s grant program for your ROC.

This election marks the end of Liz Wood’s term and service.  Wood is the president of Duvall Riverside Village Co-op in Duvall, Washington.  She made the long trek to Washington, D.C., Bradley said, “to contribute her always thoughtful perspective and insights.”

Boards will review and discuss the candidate profiles, which are also posted on and have been mailed to each Mountain/West Board, and vote on their preferred candidate. Members can also connect with the candidates in the ROC Talk forum for the 2016 election.

Ballots should be returned in an envelope enclosed with the packets sent out July 22 in time to be received in ROC USA’s New Hampshire offices by Aug. 31.

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