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Deb Winiewicz Elected as New England ROC Association Director

CONCORD, N.H.— Deborah Winiewicz has been elected ROC Association Director for the New England region.

Winiewicz, a longtime Member and Board President at Halifax Estates in Halifax, Mass., was nominated to run by her community’s Board of Directors and elected by other ROC boards across the region.

“I would like to thank all the ROCs in New England who cast a vote for me. I look forward to representing their best interests as we build a new future for the ROC Association. I encourage all New England ROC leaders to reach out to me at”

Winiewicz, who lives in the largest ROC (430 homes) currently working with ROC USA, edged out her opponent Albert Hricz, president of Ryder Woods Residents Association, in a closely contested race. She will succeed Kim Capen of Medvil Cooperative in Goffstown, N.H., who is term limited after more than six years of service.

ROC Association Directors are a vital part of the way ROC USA operates, providing ROC residents — those directly served by the work of ROC USA and its affiliates – with three peers, who they elect, on ROC USA’s Board of Directors.

Additionally, ROC Association Directors are spearheading new initiatives for the Association, including the Outreach & Education and Policy & Advocacy Committees, as well as the Better Together monthly calls.

The ROC Association is made up of all ROCs that are or once were under contract with a Certified Technical Assistance Provider trained and certified by ROC USA® Network. One Director is elected from each of three regions and serves a three-year term. Staggered elections are held every other year, and each Director may serve for a maximum of two terms.

The Association was started by two ROC leaders, Natividad Seefeld and Lois Parris, both former appointees to the ROC USA Board of Directors.


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