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Maine ROCs and ROC leaders honored

Posted by Mike Bullard December 14, 2015

Jessica Pooley, a TA provider in Maine with Cooperative Development Institute, checked in this afternoon with highlights from an awards and appreciation night at RONA (Resident Owned Neighborhoods Association) of Maine. Check it out:

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to share some pictures and warm fuzzies from our 2015 RONA Board Appreciation Gala on Thursday 12/10. We invited the 5 ROC boards that are also members of RONA, and all participated, we had about 50 attendees.

Each ROC was asked to nominate folks from their own boards for special awards like: Board Comedian, Most Improved, Most Cooperative Spirt, and Board MVP (for the one who keeps the train on the tracks!).

David Nadeau, financial manager for the communities and RONA and I developed some special awards including Best Appearance, Most Membership Engagement, Most Community Engagement, and a Community Achievement Award which is based on fiscal stuff and occupancy rates. Finally, we identified a community that emerged from all categories as the “2015 RONA Co-op of the Year” and it was Brunswick Bay.

We had a wonderful meal, live band, raffle prizes, and did all the awards ourselves, David made a slide show from all of the community events throughout the year, and had a wonderful time. Just having everyone “dress up” was exciting and fun for everyone – it really was a magical night!

THANK YOU Lash Realty Group, ROC USA, Genesis Community Loan Fund, Maine Housing, CDI/NEROC and of course RONA board & staff for sponsoring our banner & “red carpet”!

Jessica also sent a bunch of photos from the event.Check them out here

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