Vermont ROC Member credits ROC USA’s education platform with fueling passion to track down vital grant opportunities that he then shares with neighbors
COLCHESTER, VT. – With nearly 150 ROCKET courses completed, Lawrence “Butch” Johnson has put his knowledge to work.
In the last few months, he has secured four grants to improve his home at Breezy Acres Cooperative in Colchester, Vt., a beautiful town of about 17,500 on Lake Champlain that kisses the border of New York and sits about eight miles north of Burlington.
He received a grant to renovate his bathroom, another for a new roof, one more for a new air conditioner and a discount on his monthly electric bill. When he learns about a new grant he passes that knowledge along, telling his neighbors and his Technical Assistance Provider at Cooperative Development Institute.
Ten of his neighbors also had their bathrooms redone, and five other homeowners had their roofs replaced with similar grants. It’s all about networking, Johnson said. He spends time searching for grants and then calling different state offices in Vermont.
“It’s just a matter of looking and putting your name out into these places and asking them, ‘Hey, if something comes up, let me know.’ I want to take advantage of it or put it out to someone who needs it,” he said, adding that the Champlain Valley of Office of Economic Opportunity has his number and reaches out anytime similar programs come up. “I have a contact at Vermont Housing in Montpelier, contacts with different agencies within the state, and every now and then I contact Bernie Sanders’ office so when they hear of any federal grants, they let me know.”
Johnson is 74 years old and a Vietnam veteran who suffers from COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and emphysema. He is physically disabled and has limited mobility from a 2013 work accident in which a crane he was operating fell onto its side with him in it. The wreck broke his back in four different places, broke two ribs and separated one rib from the spine, causing nerve damage.
“That put me out of work for good,” he said. He had his right knee replaced last December and has plans to get the left knee replaced. Moving is hard for him and prior to the bathroom being renovated, he set up chairs in a line to help him navigate around the bathroom. Stepping up the eight inches to get into the shower was hard. Getting out was even harder. There were no handrails in the bathroom. Water had leaked onto the floor making it squishy and uneven.
The grant provided Johnson with safety. The shower is flush with the ground and there is a seat where he can rest while showering. There are now safety rails on both sides of the toilet and the floor has been replaced.
“When you have a knee replacement and your knees are bad, you can’t pick your legs up eight inches to take a shower. You get into showers and you’re not turning around. Now I have the room, I can put my hands behind my back when I wash,” he said. “It’s just so much better. Before I would go in to take a shower and it will take me 45 mins to an hour. Now it’s 15-20 minutes. I don’t have the problem getting in and out, and I don’t have the fear of falling. Don’t have to worry about getting down. Now it’s just better. I close the curtain and take a shower and get out.”
Johnson is tenacious and resourceful, and a voracious learner. He has visited all 50 states and 12 countries. He is open and curious about life, and he credits ROC USA’s free online courses with the additional knowledge he needed to pursue the grants. He is a member of ROC Association’s Outreach and Education Committee and a regular contributor to the monthly Better Together calls.
He has taken every single course offered through ROCKET, ROC USA’s Online Community for Knowledge Education and Training. It’s where he learned about the process of applying for grants, strategic problem solving, how to be assertive and communication skills. Since June 2022, Johnson completed or attended 138 courses/live sessions in ROCKET. His very first course was the Better Together Opening Session, it was his first Zoom meeting ever. Between June 7 and June 16, he completed 44 classes.
“Butch is really the epitome of what resident ownership is all about. He is a true lifelong learner. Not only is he always seeking new information and to build his own knowledge and skills, but he is always seeking to give back – to help, guide, and share with others what he learns,” said Colleen Lindecker, ROC USA’s Executive Vice President for Training and Continuous Learning. “What most stands out to me about Butch has always been his kindness in encouraging others who may be nervous, unsure, or lack confidence to get involved – to join ROCKET, to sit in on a webinar, or to get involved in their community.
“His can-do attitude is contagious, and he has inspired so many other ROC Members with his support. As he always says, ‘If I can do it, so can you!’”
ROCKET is a FREE online learning program for ROC residents to learn and grow as ROC Members and leaders. All you need is a laptop, tablet or smart phone, Internet access and headphones (optional!) to learn about topics such as: running effective meetings, building community engagement, conflict resolution, understanding ROC financials and many more!
With ROCKET, you can choose from on-demand, self-paced courses, live webinars and workshops on Zoom or blended learning that combines both live sessions and courses on your own time!
Photos from the Bathroom Renovation