ROC Association: Resident Voices Amplified
We’re an association of ROCs led by volunteer ROC leaders. We formed for the benefit and development of all ROC Members, and support a strong peer network of co-op leaders and advocate for ROCs as a ROC USA LLC Member with three seats on the ROC USA Board of Directors. We represent the network of ROCs to external stakeholders and build cohesive relationships between ROC Association, the ROC USA Certified TA Provider network and ROC USA.
Outreach & Education Committee
The Outreach and Education Committee provides a peer-to-peer support network for Resident Owned Communities. Outreach & Education Committee Members are experienced leaders who come from ROCs of all sizes and backgrounds. Committee Members meet once a month for ongoing training. Committee Members are available to provide support to ROC Boards looking for solutions in addressing challenges.
Policy & Advocacy Committee
The Policy & Advocacy Committee seeks to lead and influence local, state and federal policy that impacts Resident Owned Communities and increases consumer protections for homeowners in investor-owned communities. The Policy & Advocacy Committee is always looking for new Members to help advocate for manufactured home communities and resident-owned communities across the country. If you’re interested in making a difference, click the link below.
Better Together Grants
The Better Together Grants program awards grants to ROCs nationwide for community building, safety concerns, and rebranding projects. Since the program’s launch in 2011, the ROC Association has awarded more than $200,000 in funding to Resident Owned Communities.
Our Directors
The ROC Association Directors are elected by Resident Owned Communities in their region. Directors serve three-year terms (for a maximum of two terms). In addition to running the ROC Association, the Directors also serve on the ROC USA Board of Directors.

Kelly Jensen
Kelly is Board President at Paradise Village Cooperative, a 40-home Resident Owned Community in Johnstown, Colorado.
Email Kelly at: west@rocassociation.org

Marjory Gilsrud
Marjory is Board President at Madelia Mobile Village Cooperative, a 67-home Resident Owned Community in Madelia, Minnesota.
Email Marjory at: midwest@rocassociation.org

Margaret Jones
Margaret is President at Mountainside Community Cooperative, a 52-home Resident Owned Community in Camden, Maine.
Email Margaret at: newengland@rocassociation.org

ROC Association was started by two ROC leaders, Natividad Seefeld of Park Plaza Cooperative in Fridley, Minn. and Lois Parris, then of Lakes Region Cooperative in Belmont, N.H., both former appointees to the ROC USA Board of Directors.
In 2013, the Association held its first national elections and since then, ROC Boards nationwide (including your Board) have had the opportunity to cast a vote for a candidate from your region every three years.
In 2020, ROC Association launched two ROC Association Committees, the Outreach & Education Committee and the Policy & Advocacy Committee. ROC Leaders from across the country volunteer their time to expand the work of ROC Association.

Member Support And Disaster Relief Fund
“Better Together” is more than just a tagline and we’re working to put that into action. We established a consistent practice and procedure for reaching out to Member ROCs, and, when appropriate, to individual ROC leaders and their family members, when a community tragedy, natural disaster, severe hardship, or other similar incident occurs.
ROC Association Regions
ROC Association Resources

Outreach & Education Committee
Our Members are experienced leaders who come from ROCs of all sizes and backgrounds and provide a peer-to-peer support network for ROCs.

Outreach & Education Meetings
We meet once per month for ongoing training and are always looking for ROC leaders to help spread the word about resident ownership and life in ROCs.

Policy & Advocacy Committee
We seek to lead and influence local, state and federal policy that impacts ROCs and manufactured home communities across the country.

Better Together Calls
Held the first Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. Eastern, these Zoom calls create connection and collaboration with ROC Members across the country. All are welcome to attend.
Get Involved
Interested in joining an existing committee? Have an thought or idea you’d like to share with a ROC Association Director? Get in touch.