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ROC Association’s Member Support and Disaster Relief Fund

When natural disasters like wildfires, deep freezes and floods struck ROCs in 2021 and 2022, their fellow Resident Owned Communities across the country were moved to take action. The ROC Association Directors were inspired by this outreach: words of comfort, expressions of support, and even donations. We heard from ROC leaders how comforted they were hearing from the national family of ROCs. 

Better Together


Recognizing the need for solidarity and support within ROCs, we established a dedicated fund for Member support and disaster relief. We’ve committed $50 from every new ROC membership fee toward the fund, and in 2023 the ROC USA Board approved a generous contribution of $100,000 to start this program.

“Better Together” is more than just a tagline and we’re working to put that into action. We established a consistent practice and procedure for reaching out to Member ROCs, and, when appropriate, to individual ROC leaders and their family members, when a community tragedy, natural disaster, severe hardship or other similar incident occurs.

The Association will, to the best of its ability, acknowledge and offer sympathy and support, and, when appropriate, a financial contribution or token of recognition. ROC Association wants to support member ROCs in their time of need and to be fair, equitable and consistent.

ROC Association is here to help ALL residents of ALL communities. We can’t become stronger if we’re not ‘Better Together.’

Kelly Jensen
Director, Mountain West Region