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Homeowners form new ROC with innovative private/public financing collaboration

Mission Trail Community Association is the third ROC in Texas  SAN ANTONIO, Texas – For Valerie A. Valenzuela and her

Scaling wide and scaling deep

The work by co-op leaders, the ROC Association Board and its committees, the TA affiliates, and ROC USA teams – along with a multitude of partner organizations – is helping to scale wide and deep and produce results for low- and moderate-income homeowners.

Association leader spotlighted in statewide news coverage

A new law in Maine giving homeowners in manufactured home communities the chance to purchase their for-sale communities has taken

I’ve made a big decision…

It is a hard decision. A leader’s highest priority must be the mission and organization. I truly believe this transition is fulfilling my obligation to both ROC USA and ICS.

Bradley: Leadership transition will accelerate growth and impact

Founding ROC USA® President to lead new subsidiary built to tackle new reality of marketplace By Paul Bradley President, ROC

Bradley, Winiewicz talk ROCs with Freddie Mac

Paul Bradley, president of ROC USA® and Deb Winiewicz, ROC Association Director for the New England Region and Member of Halifax

Paul Bradley featured on prominent podcast

Paul Bradley, President of ROC USA® was featured on a Sept. 17 episode of Freakonomics: The Economics of Everyday Things,

Fair Housing training for ROC Leaders

We are excited for the opportunity to partner with the Fair Housing Institute, to offer Fair Housing in a Flash,

Donation portal established to help fire-devastated ROC

2 people killed, nine homes destroyed in Washington blaze LAKEWOOD, Wash. – Dave Huskey was on his way back from

Help ROC USA find better home loan opportunities

ROC USA® is about to embark on an exciting opportunity to lead a research project about home financing availability in

Proposals would boost ROC Association leadership

ROCs must approve bylaw amendments outlined at Annual Membership Meeting CHICAGO – Nearly 70 ROC leaders from across the country

Bear View Crossing Co-op Leader is a “Hometown Hero”

Allenstown, N.H. – John Murphy is a humble man. He was featured as a weekly “Hometown Hero” in the June

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Join us in building stronger, more resilient communities

Make a meaningful difference in a Resident Owned Community by supporting ROC USA. Help us create new ROCs and support existing ROCs from coast to coast. Together, we can create lasting impact and brighter futures.