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Are We OK?

On Saturday, my family joined a protest to show we stand in solidarity with those speaking out against police brutality

Balance Really Matters

In just a matter of weeks, the widespread nature of the threats and impacts of this crisis have become both

This is when co-ops shine!

I’ve seen it before. The elderly woman who was without food until her Social Security check arrived wasn’t seen walking

Wall Street Journal article spotlights enormous profits of big portfolio owners

Kevin Porter shared an article in today’s edition that highlights the challenge — even in the headline and sub-hed: This

Hip surgery provides important reminders

I am 55 and the owner of a new titanium hip as of seven days ago. After a long-time colleague

Oregonian looks at peril of MHCs ‘despite state interventions’

Mobile home parks are disappearing at a disquieting pace. The state has tracked more than 73 park closures in the

A house isn’t a car, so why depreciate it like one?

Working with owners and buyers of manufactured (mobile) homes, as we do here, means spending time countering myths and misconceptions

Two Great Honors

What a month! The emails that I have received and the evaluations I’ve read since the June 6 to 8

John Oliver turns up heat on parts of our sector, but shines positive light on resident ownership

CONCORD, N.H. – When John Oliver taped an episode of “Last Week Tonight” about the wave of aggressive new money

The lasting value of a legacy: remembering Dale Whitmore

I was saddened to hear recently of the loss of a great man, Dale Whitmore, President of Wardtown Cooperative in Freeport,

Washington Post Article

If you haven’t already seen the Washington Post article “A billion-dollar empire made of mobile homes,” please give it a

Advocating for Added Affordability

When I talk to people about resident ownership, people are genuinely interested and excited to learn about how it works.

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