Are We OK?
On Saturday, my family joined a protest to show we stand in solidarity with those speaking out against police brutality …
Balance Really Matters
In just a matter of weeks, the widespread nature of the threats and impacts of this crisis have become both …
This is when co-ops shine!
I’ve seen it before. The elderly woman who was without food until her Social Security check arrived wasn’t seen walking …
Wall Street Journal article spotlights enormous profits of big portfolio owners
Kevin Porter shared an article in today’s edition that highlights the challenge — even in the headline and sub-hed: This …
Hip surgery provides important reminders
I am 55 and the owner of a new titanium hip as of seven days ago. After a long-time colleague …
Oregonian looks at peril of MHCs ‘despite state interventions’
Mobile home parks are disappearing at a disquieting pace. The state has tracked more than 73 park closures in the …
A house isn’t a car, so why depreciate it like one?
Working with owners and buyers of manufactured (mobile) homes, as we do here, means spending time countering myths and misconceptions …
Two Great Honors
What a month! The emails that I have received and the evaluations I’ve read since the June 6 to 8 …
John Oliver turns up heat on parts of our sector, but shines positive light on resident ownership
CONCORD, N.H. – When John Oliver taped an episode of “Last Week Tonight” about the wave of aggressive new money …
The lasting value of a legacy: remembering Dale Whitmore
I was saddened to hear recently of the loss of a great man, Dale Whitmore, President of Wardtown Cooperative in Freeport, …
Washington Post Article
If you haven’t already seen the Washington Post article “A billion-dollar empire made of mobile homes,” please give it a …
Advocating for Added Affordability
When I talk to people about resident ownership, people are genuinely interested and excited to learn about how it works. …
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