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Wall Street Journal article spotlights enormous profits of big portfolio owners

Kevin Porter shared an article in today’s edition that highlights the challenge — even in the headline and sub-hed: This

Financial Times: Why big investors are buying up American trailer parks

An exit strategy – and much more

We helped 55 homeowners form a ROC in Centralia, Wash., last Friday. Our loan officer shared the seller’s heartwarming comment

South Coast Today: An outside company was about to buy a Marlborough mobile home park, so the residents bought it first

Hip surgery provides important reminders

I am 55 and the owner of a new titanium hip as of seven days ago. After a long-time colleague

Deeper impact and expansion in 2020, and ways you can invest

It takes a village   I posted on New Year’s Eve about 2019’s historic results. Today, I’m excited to look

A remarkably historic 2019

We founded ROC USA® to make resident ownership a viable option for homeowners, and when communities choose ownership, to work

Open Society Foundations: How One Community Defended Their Homes and Defeated Private Equity

Advancing a dream … starting in Cañon City

A mentor of mine – Steven Dawson – taught me a valuable lesson. When something good happens, look for ways

KTVB7: Caldwell property to become first resident-owned mobile home park in Idaho

CALDWELL — Juana Romero thought she and her family were going to need a new place to live when the

Co-ops Making Real Impact

We released our annual market rent study last week, and the impact is real and meaningful. The objective is pretty

Oregonian looks at peril of MHCs ‘despite state interventions’

Mobile home parks are disappearing at a disquieting pace. The state has tracked more than 73 park closures in the

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Join us in building stronger, more resilient communities

Make a meaningful difference in a Resident Owned Community by supporting ROC USA. Help us create new ROCs and support existing ROCs from coast to coast. Together, we can create lasting impact and brighter futures.