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I love harvest season!

By Paul Bradley August 15, 2013

I love the lifespan of a garden. In the winter we gardeners imagine and plan. In the spring, we toil with compost, turning and planting. In the early summer, we weed and water and pluck a few things like peas and spinach. And then comes August and the bounty! I love it!

This is a picture of Sunday’s take: yellow beans, a cuke, zucchini, peppers and tomatoes. It’s that last one – tomatoes – that’s the glory fruit for me. That’s why I garden! I have 15 plants and five varieties this year.

Do you garden? What’s your favorite part of it?

Oh, there’s another thing about gardeners . . . there are not many people who like to hear about our gardens. So, I won’t go on.

My kids make that plenty clear to me with, “Yeah, yeah, they’re fresh organic yellow beans, Dad. I’m still all set.”

(No worries, I have a secret plan for them. Fall will soon be upon us and those pumpkins will win them over, I’m sure!)

Paul Bradley began working with homeowners in manufactured home communities in 1988 as a co-op organizer, launching ROC USA in 2008 to scale the enduring community-based structural solution through a Network of affiliated nonprofits and a national team. ROC USA and its affiliates expanded resident ownership to 338 communities encompassing 23,000 homesites in 21 states during his 16-year tenure. In 2023, Paul founded Integrity Community Solutions, Inc., a ROC USA subsidiary that aims to accelerate the growth of resident ownership.

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