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I love harvest season!

August 15, 2013

I love the lifespan of a garden. In the winter we gardeners imagine and plan. In the spring, we toil with compost, turning and planting. In the early summer, we weed and water and pluck a few things like peas and spinach. And then comes August and the bounty! I love it!

This is a picture of Sunday’s take: yellow beans, a cuke, zucchini, peppers and tomatoes. It’s that last one – tomatoes – that’s the glory fruit for me. That’s why I garden! I have 15 plants and five varieties this year.

Do you garden? What’s your favorite part of it?

Oh, there’s another thing about gardeners . . . there are not many people who like to hear about our gardens. So, I won’t go on.

My kids make that plenty clear to me with, “Yeah, yeah, they’re fresh organic yellow beans, Dad. I’m still all set.”

(No worries, I have a secret plan for them. Fall will soon be upon us and those pumpkins will win them over, I’m sure!)

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