The Better Together Grant Program
for Community Improvement
Every year, ROC USA makes funds available for the program – typically $20,000 – that the ROC Association Directors use to make individual grants of up to $2,000. Most years, there are no strict categories, so anything from a building or repair project to rebranding and marketing to improving community engagement is eligible. Any ROC with a current or past technical assistance contract with a ROC USA Network Certified TA Provider is eligible to apply. Recipients of the previous year’s grants are ineligible for the current year’s funding.
Projects Eligible for Funding
Community Projects
Projects should meet a compelling community need. Examples include security lighting, safety fencing, a bus shelter, playground, speed bumps or repairs to a community center. The project should benefit your ROC in a visible way.
Rebranding Projects
Rebranding projects present a new image to the Membership and general public that is a basic change in the outgoing message. Examples include: legal name changes, new signage, new letterhead or collateral material, a website redesign or new website.
Member Engagement and Leadership Development Projects
Member Engagement and Leadership Development grants are available to ROCs looking to expand Member engagement and develop new leaders in their community.
Frequently Asked Questions
For 2025, Better Together grant applications will be accepted March 17 through May 4.
Any ROC with a current or past Technical Assistance contract with a ROC USA Network Certified TA Provider is eligible to apply. Awardees of the previous year’s Better Together Grants are not eligible for the current year’s awards.
All grants received by the application deadline are given equal consideration for funding.
Your community can apply directly online when the application window is open: March 17 – May 4, 2025.
ROC Association Directors will be responsible for selecting grant recipients. In no case will ROC Association Directors comment or vote on an application from their own ROC. Our goal is a fair process of project selection.
One. If there are multiple projects for which your ROC would like to seek grant funding, the Board of Directors must prioritize them and submit only one application per grant cycle.
Didn’t find an answer to your question? Contact Us.
Important 2025 Dates
Applications Available / Portal Opens
Early March
Applications Due / Portal Closes
Early May
Winners Announced / Checks Sent
Early June
Project Completion Date
December 31
Application Guidelines
Individual grant amounts: Up to $2,000
Total funds available: $20,000
Any ROC with a current or past Technical Assistance contract with a ROC USA Network Certified TA Provider is eligible to apply. Awardees of the previous year’s Better Together Grants are not eligible for the current year’s awards.
Grant Guidelines
- ROCs must submit their application directly to ROC USA and must apply using the supplied application.
- Project Coordinators must explain how the project was identified and selected, present the project to the Board or Membership for approval, organize the project, oversee the project, and prepare a brief report following its completion. Directors may serve on the project team, but not in a leadership position.
- The project must be voted on and approved by the Board of Directors. Only one application may be submitted per ROC.
- Before, during and after photos must be taken and provided to ROC USA as part of the grant reporting process.
- ROCs are limited to one application per grant cycle.
Conflict of Interest
ROC Association Directors will be responsible for approving grant applications. In no case will these Directors comment or vote on an application from their ROC. Our goal is a fair process of project selection.
If you have questions, please email rocassociation@rocusa.org.
Montos de las subvenciones individuales: Hasta $2,000
Total de fondos disponibles: $20,000
Toda ROC que tenga un Contrato de Asistencia Técnica actual o anterior con un Proveedor de Asistencia Técnica Certificado de la Red de ROC USA® es elegible para la solicitud. Los beneficiarios de las Subvenciones Better Together del año pasado no son elegibles para las adjudicaciones de este año.
Pautas para la Subvención
- Las ROC deben presentar su solicitud directamente a ROC USA utilizando la solicitud proporcionada.
- Los Coordinadores del proyecto deben explicar cómo se identificó y seleccionó el proyecto, presentar el proyecto ante el Consejo o los miembros para su aprobación, organizar el proyecto, supervisarlo y preparar un breve informe después de finalizado. Los directores pueden participar en el equipo del proyecto pero no en un cargo de liderazgo.
- El proyecto debe ser votado y aprobado por el Consejo directivo. Solo se puede enviar una solicitud por cada ROC.
- Se deben tomar fotografías del antes, durante y después, las que se entregarán a ROC USA como parte del proceso de informe de la subvención.
Conflicto de Intereses
Los directores de la ROC Association serán responsables de aprobar las solicitudes de subvención. Consulte la sección de la ROC Association de ROCUSA.org para obtener más información sobre los líderes de ROC. Bajo ninguna circunstancia estos directores comentarán o votarán una solicitud de su ROC. Nuestro objetivo es tener un proceso justo de selección de proyectos.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, envíe un correo electrónico a rocassociation@rocusa.org.
N.H. ROC Creates Community Garden and Potting Shed with $2,000 Grant
Friendship Drive Cooperative in Salem, N.H., was purchased by its residents in September 2005. Nearly 80 percent of the people who live in the ethnically diverse and multigenerational co-op live below the poverty level. Friendship Drive was awarded $2,000 in 2023 to create a rolling, raised-bed community garden to make it easier for Members to grow vegetables to share with everyone living in the ROC. The grant money was also awarded to repurpose a small building to be used as a potting shed.
“It was a huge success. We fed so many residents,” said Pam Rothgaber. We made salsa and stuffed peppers and all kinds of healthy things. Everyone pitched in and next year we plan to put in water barrels and more raised beds.”
Complete and return your application. You can upload your application using the form below, or download it and send to us via email at rocassociation@rocusa.org.
We also accept physical applications. Please mail physical applications to:
Attn: Better Together Grants
6 Loudon Road, Suite 306
Concord, NH 03301
The application window for Better Together Grants opens March 17, 2025.
El plazo de solicitud para las subvenciones Better Together se abre el 17 de marzo de 2025.
Grants History
In October 2010, the ROC leaders who attended the Community Leadership Institute in Louisville developed a community grants program idea that would both help fellow ROCs as well as engage new leadership in the co-op. The ROC USA Board of Directors has included funding for the grants in the budget since 2010.

Past Grant Recipients
Brookside Residents Association, Inc. (Plainville, Mass.) — Brookside was awarded $2,000 to remove 20 old mailboxes and stands and replace them with new ones.
Contoocook River Cooperative (Deering, N.H.) — Contoocook River was awarded $2,000 to purchase a central mailbox unit to accommodate all residents in the community.
Country Court Community (Kalispell, Mont.) — Country Court was awarded $2,000 to build a bus shelter to protect children from the cold and windy weather when they wait for the school bus. The shelter will feature a motion-activated light inside so bus drivers and commuters can see the children.
Evans Cooperative, Inc. (Epping, N.H.) — Evans Cooperative was awarded $2,000 to purchase a new laptop, mouse and a special meeting speaker/camera for the community to allow the Board to begin using cloud storage to store documents digitally and also engage in remote training opportunities provided by ROC USA and ROC-NH, a program of the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund.
Evergreen Estates Homeowners Cooperative (Centralia, Wash.) — Evergreen Estates was awarded $1,650 to have a backup pump rebuilt that will help pump sewage to a point in the community where it flows out to the street and ties into the city sewer lines.
Fox Hill Cooperative (Franconia, N.H.) — Fox Hill was awarded $1,984 to create an adaptive community garden. The communal space would be available for all Fox Hill residents to utilize.
Hidden Village (Olympia, Wash.) — Hidden Village was awarded $2,000 to purchase two new secure community mailboxes after the mailboxes were vandalized and mail was stolen in March 2024. Since then, Members have been driving three miles each way, to get their mail. Having a secure set of mailboxes will allow Members to resume receiving their mail close to home.
Samish Park Homeowners Cooperative (Bellingham, Wash.) — Samish Park was awarded $2,000 to remove invasive plant species, including, blackberry vines, deadly nightshade and climbing ivy.
Sleeping Giant Community (Livingston, Mont.) — Sleeping Giant was awarded $2,000 to rebrand the community with a sign at its entryway that shows the name of the cooperative, creating community pride while also creating signage for emergency and city services to locate Sleeping Giant.
The Woods Cooperative Association (Little River, Calif.) — The Woods was awarded $2,000 to design and build a bear-proof trash receptacle that is also easy for residents to utilize. During 2023, more than 20 incidents of bears (mothers and cubs) attacking the co-op’s trash bins took place, resulting in a large amount of trash scattered over the area and in one case, a bin was tipped over.
West Wood Village Resident Association, Inc. (Plymouth, Mass.) — West Wood Village was awarded $2,000 to hire a contractor to either repair or replace the roof over the ramp of the main building. Currently the ramp is closed and one entrance is blocked to the clubhouse because of the roof issue..
Beech Tree Cooperative (Exeter, N.H.) – Beech Tree was awarded $2,000 to purchase a new laptop, printer and large monitor for the community. The upgrade in new devices will help the community print agendas, budget information, election ballots and event flyers.
Black Bear Village Cooperative (Conway, N.H.) – Black Bear Village was awarded $2,000 to create new signage for the community. There are no signs on the property identifying the community as Black Bear Village Cooperative.
BT, Inc. (Brittany Terrace) (Rock Tavern, N.Y.) – BT was awarded $2,000 to replace community signs to help emergency vehicles and visitors find the Co-op.
Cooperativa Nueva Union (Leadville, Colo.) – Cooperativa Nueva Union was awarded $2,000 to purchase two new mailbox kiosks so each home can have its own secure mailbox and physical mailing address.
Evergreen Mobile Homeowners Cooperative (Shelton, Wash.) – Evergreen was awarded $2,000 to help build a community park, a safe space where children can play, and families can congregate. The first phase of the community park will include a soccer field and playground and the second phase will have park tables, benches and a roofed shelter for Members to gather for meetings and social events.
Friendship Drive Cooperative (Salem, N.H.) – Friendship Drive was awarded $2,000 to create a rolling, raised-bed community garden to make it easier for Members to grow vegetables to share with everyone living in the ROC. The grant money was also awarded to repurpose a small building to be used as a potting shed.
Golden Age Village (Emigrant, Mont.) – Golden Age Village was awarded $2,000 to build a safe, interactive, community playground in a common area of the ROC for families with young children.
Halifax Mobile Home Estates Association, Inc. (Halifax, Mass.) – Halifax Estates was awarded $2,000 toward the purchase of a new chair lift to help Members safely ascend and descend multiple floors of the community center.
Royal Crest Residents Association (West Wareham, Mass.) – Royal Crest was awarded $1,400 to build a ramp at the front door of the community office to aid all Members of the community and bring it up to Americans with Disabilities Act compliance.
Sterling View Cooperative Community, Inc. (Hyde Park, Vt.) – Sterling View was awarded $1,700 to purchase a defibrillator for the community center, mount it on the wall and train Members who usually attend social gatherings on how to use it.
Animas View MHP Cooperative (Durango, Colo.) – Animas View recently celebrated its one-year anniversary as a cooperative. The community will use funding to purchase new signs for the entrances of the community, reflecting the new community name. Funds will also go toward 15 interior direction signs to help emergency and delivery vehicles locate the appropriate home as quickly as possible.
Bunker Lane Condominium Association (Madbury, N.H.) – Bunker Lane will use funds to make repairs to the community center, which suffered damage due to a leak over the winter. They will install sheetrock and paint the interior to make the meeting house a more inviting place.
C & C Community, Inc. (Billings, Mont.) – C & C will use their Better Together grant to replace a large gate in the community that was recently damaged when a motorcycle ran into it. The gate prohibits traffic from driving through the neighborhood as a shortcut.
Conifer Green Cooperative, Inc. (Kingston, Mass.) – Conifer Green will use funding to purchase 75 homesite signs and one clubhouse address sign to help provide consistency and accuracy to emergency vehicles and delivery drivers. The 38-year-old existing home signs are inconsistent and in disrepair. Additionally, the clubhouse is not visible from the street and does not have signage, so any emergency vehicle called to the community center would have difficulty finding it.
Cranberry Village (Carver, Mass.) – Cranberry Village will use funds to illuminate some common areas of the community. With electricity already in place, the community will set poles and install LED security lights at the entrance and in the parking lot.
Crossroads Cooperative (Great Falls, Mont.) – Crossroads Cooperative will use funds to clean up two home sites that suffered considerable damage and created significant waste due to fire last year, with the ultimate goal of getting them ready for homes so the community can begin collecting lot rent on them again. Crossroads will also contribute up to $10,000 of their operating dollars to complete the cleanup.
Edgeway Homeowners Association (Middleborough, Mass.) – Edgeway HOA will use funds to establish a Lock Box for Seniors program in their community. This program will allow lock boxes to be installed at residents’ homes that are accessible by first responders, so they can enter the home without property damage in the event of an emergency. Edgeway’s goal is to offer the program at no cost to the homeowners.
Filbert Grove Cooperative (Springfield, Ore.) – Filbert Grove will use funds to purchase air conditioners to transform their community center into a cooling center during high-heat weather after experiencing 111-degree temperatures last summer. They will also purchase a few portable air conditioners to put in private homes for those who are unable to access the community center due to mobility limitations.
Forest Park Tenants Association (Jaffrey, N.H.) – Forest Park, who has been a cooperative for 12 years, will use funds to replace two signs that reflect the community’s old name (Forest Park Estates) with their correct name. Their goal is to instill pride in ownership of the community with the new signs.
Hidden Village (Olympia, Wash.) – Hidden Village will use grant funds to pay for a recent safety expense to prevent the general community from using their roads as a pass-through. The community installed a gate that is only accessible by community members and local officials.
LMP Cooperative (Longmont, Colo.) – LMP Cooperative is a predominantly Spanish-speaking community and will use the grant to pay to have its Community Rules and Bylaws translated into Spanish. This translation will support communication equity in the community, create space for more participation and ultimately more available leadership positions.
Missouri Meadows Community (Great Falls, Mont.) – Missouri Meadows will add funding to an additional $5,500 set aside from their capital improvement budget to begin the process of rehabbing an old pump house into a community center to be used for Board meetings and fun community events.
Rivermaze Cooperative (Cañon City, Colo.) – Working with Black Hills Energy, Rivermaze Cooperative will use funds to install hardwired security cameras throughout the community. The purpose of the cameras is to reduce crime within the community.
Sans Souci Cooperative (Boulder, Colo.) – Sans Souci will fund three community programs: a tool share program, a community garden, and a food pantry. The goal is to purchase an electric lawnmower, a weedwhacker, a reciprocating saw, and trimming shears that will be available for use for community members. The purchase of a refrigerator will jumpstart the food pantry.
The Woods Cooperative Association (Little River, California) – WCA will use funds to purchase microphones, a projector and portable screen and a Zoom Pro account to create a hybrid meeting experience that will enable all residents to participate in community meetings and feel comfortable doing so.
Woodlawn Terrace Cooperative (Richfield, Minn.) – Woodlawn Terrace will make electrical and cosmetic repairs to the original sign to their community which was installed in the 1960s. They will hire a contractor to repair and replace the electricity connections that light the sign and will spruce it up with fresh paint and the addition of the word “cooperative.”
Black Bear Village Cooperative (North Conway, N.H.) – Black Bear Village installed permanent “children at play” signs in their community and invested in permit parking stickers for residents to help curb non-resident visitors in their recreation area. The community also installed solar lighting at the entrance and near their community center, playground, and basketball court.
Champion Homes (Elbridge, N.Y.) – Champion used funding to make improvements to the community’s playground including the installation of two new swings.
Green Acres Cooperative (Kalispell, Mont.) – Green Acres built a picnic area at their community center to help foster a more engaged community. A group of volunteers installed picnic tables, a barbecue grill, gazebo, and planted flowers to make it a welcoming space for the entire 32-home community.
Heritage Association (Warren, Mass.) – Heritage installed 15 poles and solar streetlights in the 55-and-over section of their community to increase safety and security for residents.
Libby Creek Community (Libby, Mont.) – Libby Creek recently received funding from the Headwaters Community Foundation to construct a new playground. The community used their Better Together Grant to install a chain-link fence around the perimeter of the playground to help keep the children safe.
Lincoln Mobile Estates (Lincoln, R.I.) – Lincoln Mobile Estates addressed a safety issue in the community – emergency vehicles and delivery people had a hard time finding the correct home due to inefficient signage. The project committee updated street signs and home numbers throughout the community to ensure safety vehicles and packages reach their intended destination.
Loon Estates Cooperative (Northwood, N.H.) – Loon Estates converted an old garage into a community center for the residents of its 27 homes. The funding will be applied toward upgrades to the electrical system and the installation of walls, insulation, paint and flooring.
Northwood Community (Ronan, Mont.) – Northwood installed a paved basketball court for children away from the main road this fall.
Old Lake Shore Cooperative (Gilford, N.H.) – Old Lake Shore used funds to begin the process of converting a building in their community into a community center. Currently, the community’s Board of Directors meets in a very small office and annual meetings have to be held off-site. The grant funding will go toward tackling the two biggest hurdles in the building conversion – installing electricity and water. Once these two items are complete, the project committee will look for resident volunteers to assist with additional interior projects.
Pleasant Park Community (Great Falls, Mont.) – Pleasant Park applied funding toward the purchase and installation of a playground set for the children in the community. A playground had long been on the wish list for the Members of Pleasant Park, and completing this project will increase community engagement and continue positive momentum.
Tanglewood Park Cooperative (Keene, N.H.) – Tanglewood Park is a 328-home community that became resident-owned in 2019. The community has two main entrances on heavily traveled roads in Keene. Both entrances featured 25-year-old signs that reflected the name of the ownership at that time they were built. The community will applied funding to two brand new barn-style handcrafted signs that proudly display the cooperative’s name.
Top of the Hill Cooperative (Concord, N.H.) – Top of the Hill installed lighting and cameras at the back of the community to help curb vandalism and unauthorized dumping by non-residents. The community also installed better signage.
Clear Creek Court Community (Harve, Mont.) – Clear Creek Court Community was awarded funding to renovate its community center, which needed a new roof, heat, tables and chairs.
Conifer Green Cooperative (Kingston, Mass.) – Conifer Green was awarded a Better Together grant to install signage across the street from the clubhouse. This message board provides communication with the co-op’s 77 households with designated areas for Board of Directors notices, committee information, and a place for residents to post important information.
Heritage Residents Association (Westfield, Mass.) – Heritage Residents’ Association was awarded funding to install new signage and speed bumps in its community to help curb speeding in the co-op.
Hidden Village (Olympia, Wash.) – Hidden Village was awarded a Better Together grant to repair a paved path and install a bench for Members to enjoy the adjacent pond.
Missouri Meadows Community (Great Falls, Mont.) – Missouri Meadows was awarded funding to rent large capacity dumpsters for a community-wide cleanup event and for a lot improvement contest, which provided a gift card to the winning household.
Mountain View Housing Community (Gilford, N.H.) – Mountain View Housing Community has been a resident owned community since 1990. They have always held Board meetings at a home of one of the Board Members because the community didn’t have a meeting house. In 2020, Mountain View unanimously voted to approve the purchase of a meeting house. The co-op was awarded funding to help renovate the recently purchased meeting house.
Pammel Creek Estates (Lacrosse, Wisc.) – Pammel Creek Estates was awarded grant funding to create a park for the children of the community, providing them a safe place to play and a program organizer to start a children’s program.
Pine Tree Village (Carver, Mass.) – Pine Tree Village was awarded a grant to repair and reseal a neglected basketball court, purchase new basketball hoops and security cameras to transform an area of the co-op into a community space for families to enjoy.
West-Side Pines Cooperative (Bend, Ore.) – West-Side Pines was awarded grant funding to make renovations to its community building to expand a former unused laundry facility into a large space to host Board meetings.
Brittany Terrace (BT Inc.) (Rock Tavern, N.Y.) – Brittany Terrace was awarded Better Together grant funding to replace locks on the door to the mailroom, the garage door on the trash and recycling center door and to install a wall-mounted hand sanitizer dispenser in the mailroom.
Forest Park Tenants’ Association Cooperative (Jaffrey, N.H.) – FPTAC was awarded grant funds to help renovate a non-working bathroom inside the co-op’s main office which is utilized for Board meetings and as a command center in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.
Friendship Drive Cooperative (Salem, N.H.) – Friendship Drive Cooperative was awarded Better Together grant funding to help fence off the property from the edge of a busy street, redirecting community traffic through one standard entrance and exit and protecting the co-op and drivers.
Grey Stone Mobile Home Cooperative (Veazie, Maine) – Grey Stone was awarded grant funding to install speed bumps on its main street where speeding is an issue, enhance “children at play” signage to encourage drivers to slow down, purchase a “lots available” sign, and provide lighting to the sign at its main entrance.
Meadow Valley Park (Unadilla, N.Y.) – Meadow Valley Park was awarded grant funding to replace an old electric pole in the community. The pole poses a safety risk to community members and is imperative to the community because it provides visibility to an intersection in their community.
Soda Brook Cooperative (Northfield, N.H.) – Soda Brook Cooperative was awarded Better Together funding to replace the steps to its well house. Volunteers from within the community worked to construct the new steps.
Twin Coach Estates HOA (Lakeville, Mass.) – Twin Coach Estates was awarded funding to remove trees, which has been an ongoing project for the community since becoming a co-op in 2014.
Upper Lake Shore Homeowners Cooperative (Moses Lake, Wash.) – Upper Lake Shore Homeowners Cooperative was awarded funding to purchase recycled rubber speed bumps to help reduce the vehicle speed throughout the community and keep children safe.
Venture Lake Homeowners, Inc. (Hyde Park, N.Y.) – Venture Lake was awarded Better Together funds to replace four of the five windows and screens on its community center, which is a former garage space. The awarded funds will also be used to replace and properly hang a steel door.
Bear View Crossing Cooperative (Allenstown, N.H.) – Bear View Crossing was awarded a grant to create a new LED sign to promote its new name as a cooperative.
Buena Vista Community (Missoula, Mont.) – Buena Vista Community was awarded funding to design and install a larger sign that identifies the community as resident owned.
C&C Community (Billings, Mont.) – C&C Community was awarded funding to relocate and install a new sign, replace old and decaying fencing with a wrought iron fence adjacent to their neighbors and replace two road signs and incorporate the C&C in their community name into the signs.
Kayadeross Acres (Ballston Spa, N.Y.) – Kayadeross Acres was awarded funding for a new sign that will feature the ROC’s name and be visible from the road.
Litchfield Landing Cooperative (Litchfield, N.H.) – Litchfield Landing was awarded a Better Together grant to replace signage at the entrance and on the streets of the community.
Rosewood Homeowners Cooperative (Winston, Ore.) – Rosewood Homeowners Cooperative was awarded grant funding to replace signs with the ROCs former name, install two informational signs at both mailbox centers to provide relevant contact information to residents and install two locked drop boxes for community feedback or paperwork to be dropped off safely and securely.
Crossroads Cooperative (fka Trailer Terrace) (Great Falls, Mont.) – Crossroads Cooperative was awarded grant funding to remove the word “trailer” from its community name and hold an “End of Summer Celebration.”
View Vista Community (Livingston, Mont.) – View Vista was awarded grant funding for a new sign to display that they are a resident owned community.
Windy Hollow Mobile Home (Park Castleton, Vt.) – Windy Hollow was awarded grant funding to install two new signs with addresses at separate entrances of the co-op. The new signs will state they are a resident owned community and will contain a decal of the state of Vermont.
Barrington Oaks Cooperative (Barrington, N.H.) – Barrington Oaks Cooperative was awarded grant funding for updating and repairing a mail room and bus shelter.
C&C Community (Billings, Mont.) – C&C Community was awarded grant funding for installing safety fences and proper lighting to create a self and welcoming entrance for community Members.
Colonial Estates Homeowners Association (Taunton, Mass.) – Colonial Estates was awarded Better Together grant funding for a community center ramp improvement project.
Country Court Community (Kalispell, Mont.) – Country Court Community was awarded a Better Together grant to complete an electrical repair project in its community shop.
Triangle Court Cooperative (Brandon, Vt.) – Triangle Court Cooperative was awarded grant funding to repair and remove potholes and create a drainage ditch on the side of the road to improve drainage.
Umpqua Ranch Cooperative (Idleyld, Ore.) – Umpqua Ranch Cooperative was awarded Better Together grant funding to buy the materials to build a fence at the front of the community to provide the children in the community a safe place to play.
In 2019, there were also nine ROCs awarded funding for their community’s branding/rebranding efforts through separate grant process. All communities were eligible regardless of their previous wins. The ROC Association Directors received $10,000 for participating in the Excellence in Governance program, run by NeighborWorks® America, and they chose to invest a portion of the money back into the communities they were elected to represent. Each ROC received up to $1,200.
- BT, Inc. (Brittany Terrace) (Rock Tavern, N.Y.) – BT, Inc., was awarded funding to build new signs promoting resident ownership and to build a new marketing website to share the ROC with the community.
- Charter Oaks Village Cooperative (Arundel, Maine) – Charter Oaks Village was awarded funding to buy a lighted sign to showcase its cooperative status and community to the town.
- Conifer Green Homeowners Association (Kingston, Mass.) – Conifer Green was awarded funding to professionally power wash and brighten up four ornamental rocks that bear the community’s name and street names in the neighborhood.
- Halifax Mobile Home Estates Association (Halifax, Mass.) – Halifax Estates will be adding new signage to the front of the community to showcase the new name and illustrate that the neighborhood is 55 plus and resident-owned.
- Heritage Association, Inc. (Warren, Mass.) – Heritage Association was granted funding to build a new sign at the front of the community to showcase its ROC status.
- Lakeview Cooperative, Inc. (Shelburne, Vt.) Lakeview Cooperative was granted funding for a new community sign to promote its new name.
- Marilla Country Village, Inc. (Alden, N.Y.) – Marilla Country Village was granted funding to replace the broken sign in the community to update where the homes are as well as promoting the new name of the ROC that Members chose when Marilla became a ROC.
- Two Rivers Homeowners Cooperative (Gladstone, Ore.) – Two Rivers Homeowners Cooperative was granted funding to install a new sign with the new name of the ROC.
- West-Side Pines Cooperative (Bend, Ore.) – West-Side Pines will be getting a new set of signs for the entrances in the neighborhood. Along with showcasing pride in the community, the signs will also fit into the overall aesthetic of the area and be more durable than the current ones. The project is expected to cost $2,400, half of which comes from the grant funding, and will be finished within the next few months.
Morning Star Community (Kalispell, Mont.) – Morning Star was awarded funding to repair asphalt near the mailbox areas to prevent ice forming there during the winter and to create a safer space for Members of the co-op.
Ossipee Mountains Estates Cooperative (Center Ossipee, N.H.) – Ossipee Mountains Estates was awarded funding to install a playground.
Pine Tree Village Residents Association, Inc. (Carver, Mass.) – Pine Tree Village was awarded funding to install street signs, stop signs, speeding signs and children at play signs through the community.
Prairie Lake Estates Homeowners Cooperative (Kenosha, Wisc.) – Prairie Lake Estates was awarded funding to redo the mailbox area that had been deteriorating and attracting hornets.
Running Brook Cooperative, Inc. (Derry, N.H.) – Running Brook Cooperative was awarded funding to install speedbumps to help slow traffic and create a safer neighborhood for its Members.
Sunset Terrace Mobile Home Cooperative (Rockland, Maine) – Sunset Terrace was awarded funding to install a message kiosk board to quickly communicate information with all its Members.
Deer Estates Cooperative (Milan, N.H.) – Deer Estates was awarded funding to install speed bumps to deter speeding in the Co-op and to keep the children safe.
Dover Point Cooperative (Dover, N.H.) – Dover Point was awarded funding to install heat in the community center so the Co-op can hold more events throughout the year.
Northwood Community, Inc. (Ronan, Mont.) – Northwood Community was awarded funding to create a designated playground for children and their families, adding to a growing community space for the whole neighborhood.
Pepperidge Woods Cooperative (Barrington, N.H.) – Pepperidge Woods Cooperative was awarded funding to upgrade and improve the safety of its community playground, specifically purchasing a sandbox that locks when children are not playing in it.
River Acres, Inc. (Missoula, Mont.) – River Acres was awarded funding to install three banks of speed bumps in the community to deter speeding and provide a safe neighborhood for all its Members.
White Rock Cooperative Estates (Tilton, N.H.) – White Rock was awarded funding to create a safe, comfortable bus shelter for children and their families and to repair a damaged mailbox station.
Deer Ridge Mobile Home Cooperative (Augusta, Maine) – Deer Ridge was awarded grant funding to convert a small inherited building into its community center to hold Board Meetings.
Duvall Riverside Village (Duvall, Wash.) – Duvall Riverside Village was awarded grant funding to create two different banks of mailboxes so its Members don’t have to drive to the post office to collect their mail.
Olde Towne Homeowners Cooperative (Allenstown, N.H.) – Olde Towne Homeowners Cooperative was awarded grant funding to replace deteriorating mailboxes.
Soda Brook Cooperative (Northfield, N.H.) – Soda Brook Cooperative was awarded grant funding to replace its damaged message boards.
Wardtown Mobile Home Cooperative (Freeport, Maine) – Wardtown Mobile Home Cooperative was awarded grant funding to renovate its office building to make it more conducive to installing a wheelchair ramp for its elderly and disabled Members.
Buena Vista Community, Inc. (Missoula, Mont.) – Buena Vista was awarded a Better Together Grant to create a community garden in an effort to increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables for ROC Members.
Lamprey River Cooperative, Inc. (Raymond, N.H.) – Lamprey River Cooperative was awarded a Better Together Grant to construct a new mailbox system and bus shelter for children waiting for the bus.
Pine Hill Homeowners Cooperative (Conway, N.H.) – Pine Hill was awarded grant funding to install metal, locking, cluster mailboxes to replace aged, unsecured mailboxes at the entrance to the ROC.
Pine Tree Village Residents Association (Carver, Mass.) – Pine Tree Village was awarded grant funding to install new lampposts and replace broken lampposts at the end of each driveway in the community.
Cranberry Village Residents Association (Carver, Mass.) – Cranberry Village was awarded a technology grant for a new computer and printer.
Pasadena Trails ROC, Inc. (Pasadena, Texas) – Pasadena Trails was awarded a technology grant for a new computer and printer.
Wamsutta Residents Association, Inc. (North Attleborough, Mass.) – Wamsutta was awarded a technology grant for a new computer and printer.
Friendship Drive Cooperative, Inc. (Salem, N.H.) – Friendship Drive was awarded grant funding to repave a decaying stretch of road and repair a dilapidated speed bump.
Hidden Village (Olympia, Wash.) – Hidden Village was awarded a Better Together Grant to install a fence around a pond in the community to keep children and Members safe.
Meadow Valley Park, Inc. (Unadilla, N.Y.) – Meadow Valley Park was awarded grant funding to replace two water pressure tanks and replacing wooden covers for the water supply to provide safe water for the community.