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House Appropriations Subcommittee greenlights $500M for infrastructure rehabilitation in ROCs

By June 23, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. — ROC USA® is pleased to announce the inclusion of the $500 million Manufactured Housing Improvement and Financing Program in the House Appropriations Committee Fiscal Year 2023 Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Funding Bill.

There are good operators of manufactured home communities who reinvest in capital improvements. But too often, homeowners who successfully purchase their neighborhoods must immediately turn their attention underground to address decades of disinvestment. This program will help so many Americans address basic health and safety infrastructure – aging water, sewer, and stormwater systems – in their neighborhoods.

“On behalf of the thousands of families who live in resident owned manufactured home communities across the country, we commend THUD Committee Chairman Price, Ranking Member Diaz-Balart and Members of both parties for including this program in the Appropriations Bill,” said ROC USA President Paul Bradley. “This vital legislation will fund critical infrastructure upgrades along with desperately needed storm shelters that, in ROCs, double as community centers and remote learning sites.”

ROC USA is eager for the day when these funds are at hand to improve community resilience. When deployed in stable, secure resident owned communities, this investment will improve naturally occurring affordable housing that is preserved long-term as a community asset and support better health and economic growth for so many Americans. On behalf of the thousands of homeowners living in manufactured home communities, we thank you.

The Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development will vote on the Fiscal Year 23 HUD spending bill today, June 23, and the full House Appropriations Committee will likely vote on the bill next week. The Senate is expected to draft its spending bills in the coming weeks, although the two chambers are not expected to reach an agreement on spending levels until later this year. Resident ownership community advocates should continue to weigh in with their Members of Congress to urge them to include the $500 million Manufactured Housing Improvement and Financing Program in the final FY23 spending or reconciliation bills.

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