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Great visit with three co-ops in New York!

Thank you to the Boards of Marilla Country Village, Champion, Inc., and Hidden Meadows for seeing me last week. All

“More co-op like …”

I used the phrase – more co-op like – in my introductory letter (May 24, 2013) announcing the national programs.

In the news …

This is a really interesting piece of radio journalism. It’s a reflection on how people look at “trailer parks” by

Report from Las Vegas

I really enjoyed having Natividad and Lois (interim Directors from ROC Association) with us in Las Vegas for the MHI

Hello from Sunny Las Vegas!

It’s the annual jaunt to Vegas for the Manufactured Housing Institute’s Congress & Expo. MHI is the trade association for

No joke, big news coming soon!

I am really excited about what we’ve been working on and plan on announcing to every ROC Board of Directors

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